Computer Rules
- A valid Newton Falls Public Library or other CLEVNET library card is necessary to use one of our computers, but it is not needed to access our Wi-Fi.
- A parent/guardian may check out a computer workstation for a minor, but they must remain in the library while the child is using the computer. This checkout privilege shouldn’t be used to circumvent a child’s blocked card when they owe $5.00 or more or have overdue materials. An adult cannot use one of the three children’s computer workstations unless they’re working with a child.
- Only one computer workstation can be assigned to a single patron at any one time.
- Efforts to bypass the security of the library network, or any other computer network connected with the library, are prohibited.
- A patron is limited to 30 minutes if others are waiting to use a library computer.
- As with other library materials, a child’s access to digital information is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. Anyone under the age of 9 years must be accompanied by an adult.
- No reservations or appointments can be made for a library computer.
- The library cannot be held responsible for the loss of data or damage to personal property through the use of its computer. The patron is responsible for damage to a library computer or its software.
- A patron’s first five black-and-white printouts per day are free. Additional black-and-white printouts are $0.10 each. All color printouts are $0.75 each. Patrons are responsible for paying for all of their printouts, so please use the print preview function or ask a librarian for help to avoid unnecessary charges.
- All computers will be shut down 10 minutes prior to closing the library.
- Personal programs cannot be run or copied on a library computer.
- Patrons are responsible for determining whether the information found online is acceptable, accurate, and suitable to their needs.
- Those who violate these guidelines or access obscene materials (as determined by library staff) will be asked to stop. They may forfeit their privilege to use the library computers and/or experience legal prosecution.
Black-and-white printout: $0.10
Color printout: $0.75